I really am a sucker for magazines. Everything in my life has gone digital: my banking, my to-do lists, even my meditation. But I will never, and I mean NEVER, swap my glossy magazines for an ‘e-zine’!
I just love curling up and reading a magazine cover to cover. Whether I’m on the sofa, at the airport or on a deck chair at the beach, getting lost reading a magazine is one of my favourite things to do.
Given this obsession, I was a little over excited to enter the My Country Business Awards 2016 as first prize was a feature in Country Homes & Interiors magazine. Imagine that, Little Pancake Co in a magazine?! *Swoons*
Organised this year in association with Not On The Highstreet, these awards look to recognise the UK’s best country businesses and creative entrepreneurs, in categories such as food and craft, and are such a great opportunity for small businesses like ours.
Sadly we didn’t win, but we were delighted to be shortlisted for an award. We’ll definitely be entering again next year so keep your fingers crossed for us Little Pancakers.