With Easter only a week away we thought we would share a few ideas to keep the kids entertained and, if they are anything like mine, off their tablets or X boxes!
Colouring eggs takes me back to the Easters of my childhood and they look so pretty displayed at Easter, you can also blow out and decorated eggs (see the link under the Easter Tree section).
- Gently place eggs in single layer in large saucepan. Add enough cold water to cover eggs by 1 inch and cover. Bring just to boil on high heat. Remove from heat. Let stand 12 minutes. (Adjust time up or down by 3 minutes for each size larger or smaller).
- Pour off hot water and rapidly cool eggs by running them under cold water (or place in ice water) until completely cooled.
- Mix 1/2 cup boiling water, 1 teaspoon vinegar and 10 to 20 drops food colour in a cup to achieve desired colours. Repeat for each colour. Dip hard-cooked eggs in dye for about 5 minutes. Use a slotted spoon, wire egg holder or tongs to add and remove eggs from dye. Allow eggs to dry.
It is lambing season and open lambing takes place at many farms around the country where you can see lambs being born and maybe cuddle an orphan lamb. Check the internet to find a farm near you and get back to nature. Try the following link or do an internet search to find a lambing farm near you.
- We love the idea of drawing a face on an empty empty egg shell, filling with a little compost and planting a few herb or cress seeds and letting the herbs grow as hair. Don’t forget to keep moist but don’t over water.
- Check out the following website for other great Easter planting ideas to do with the kids – https://www.thejoyofplants.co.uk/easter-plant-growing-projects-kids
I still make an Easter Tree every year and it makes a great centrepiece for an Easter table.
- Gather a selection of small branches, I tend to prune small blossom laden branches from trees or shrubs in our garden, but you can just collect fallen small branches and use those. I tend to use Forsythia branches with its yellow flowers or small Prunus (cherry) tree branches with its delicate pink blossom.
- Put these branches in a tall vase and fill the bottom of the vase with sand or small stones to support the tree.
- Decorate the branches with small shop bought decorations or make your own. Traditionally Easter trees were decorated with blown eggs and follow this link to make your own. https://ourbestbites.com/how-to-make-blown-egg-ornaments/
Either plan your own Easter Egg hunt or why not join a Cadbury Easter Egg hunt in association with the National Trust. Visit the National Trust website to find an Easter Egg hunt near you. Follow the bunny’s clues in beautiful surrounding and finish your adventure with a delicious, chocolatey treat. https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/features/join-the-cadbury-easter-egg-hunts
Last but not least, why not do some Easter baking? Either use our Gingerbread Easter Egg Baking kit or Hot Cross Bun Flavour Pancake Mix. Alternatively follow the Chocolate Fudge Easter Cupcake recipe on Katie Bakes’ blog https://www.katie-bakes.co.uk/chocolate-fudge-easter-cupcakes/ or check out the internet or cookery books for Easter bakes. There are loads of great ideas at https://www.bbc.com/food/collections/easter_baking